Is That Safe? Having Sex When You’re Pregnant

Is it safe to have sex when you're pregnant?

Welcome back to our series, Is that safe? This week, we’re answering one of our most asked questions: Is it safe to have sex when you’re pregnant?

Your hormones will fluctuate during pregnancy and in turn, that means that your sex drive will change as well. You might find that some pregnancy symptoms like back pain decrease your sex drive and it’s totally normal and ok not to want to have sex at any time, including when you’re pregnant. On the other hand, your changing hormones may also increase your sex drive, but is it safe to have sex when you’re pregnant? Let’s get into it.

Is it safe to have sex when you’re pregnant?

If you are having a low-risk pregnancy and are not experiencing complications such as preterm labor or placenta problems, then it is safe to have sex whilst you are pregnant. Your baby is protected by your uterus muscles and amniotic fluid, so having sex cannot hurt your baby. You should avoid sex if you have been told to do so by your doctor or midwife. 

If you are not in a mutually monogamous sexual relationship during your pregnancy, it is advised that you use a barrier form of contraception (such as a condom) to protect yourself and your baby from sexually transmitted infections. 

Can having sex during pregnancy cause a miscarriage?

If your pregnancy is low-risk and you do not have any complications, having sex or orgasms won’t cause a miscarriage

Resources and miscarriage support can be found here.

Can having sex cause early labor?

No, having sex or orgasms won’t increase your risk of going into labor if you are experiencing a low-risk pregnancy. 

According to the NHS, having orgasms and sex during the later stages of pregnancy can cause what are known as Braxton Hicks contractions or false labor pains. If this happens, you will feel the muscles of your womb go hard and may experience uncomfortableness, but these false labor pains are normal and aren’t cause for alarm. Braxton Hicks contractions can also be caused by being very active, having a full bladder, and being dehydrated. 

When should sex be avoided during pregnancy?

You may be advised by your doctor to avoid sex during pregnancy if: 

  • You have experienced any heavy bleeding during pregnancy

  • Your waters have broken - having sex after this may increase the risk of infection 

  • There are any concerns about the entrance to your cervix 

  • You are having twins and are in the later stages of pregnancy

  • You have previously had early labor and are in the later stages of pregnancy 

You should speak to your doctor or midwife if any of these apply to you, or if you are concerned about having sex at any stage of your pregnancy. 

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What do you want to see next in our Is that safe? series? Let us know in the comments!

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